When I first created The Mommy Monologue I knew that I wanted to share my journey into motherhood but I had no idea it would lead me to blogging. I'm not going to life. I started with just an Instagram account and I would use my captions are "blog post". I quickly learned that was indeed NOT blogging and that I needed to actually create a space for my thoughts. I also knew that this space would have to be my own. One where I could completely be myself. So I launched the blog. It's only been a little over two years and so much trial and error but here are a couple of tips that I used early on and some that I've implemented recently.
Find the right platform: The platform in which you host your blog can make it or break it. I use WIX. The reason why I choose WIX opposed to others is because I find it super user friendly. I'm no graphic designer and WIX provided many amazing templates for me to choose from. Not only were the templates amazing but adding additional features was pretty easy too. As far as the price for hosting I don't remember how much I paid. I do know, I did the package deal where I purchased the URL, created my website and my blog. As my blog continues to grow I may explore other options but for right now WIX is a great fit. I would totally recommend you check it out.
Choose Your Niche:I put this step first because to me it's the most important and for many the hardest. For those who don't know your niche is just the catrgory in which your content is. For example if you're a fashion blogger your niche would be posting wardrobe looks, try ons, hauls etc. A lifestyle blogger such as myself would post DIYs, recipes, maybe some home decor, kid advice. You get it? Find your niche and sticking to it is so important for many reasons mostly, because you want your audience to know exactly what they come to your page, or blog for. Like everyone know you follow Tabbith Brown if you want some BOMB vegan recipes. Like so, like that! If you have no idea what your niche is and don't even know how to identify it start by making a list of things you love to discuss. Group those things together based off of similarities. Nine times out of ten the group with the most is your niche.
Blog in Bulk: This is something that I JUST started doing that I wish I would have done sooner. Set time aside to actually brainstorm topics, start drafting blog posts and create a content calendar. Y'all this will save you so much time. If you need help putting together a content calendar google it. There are so many to choose from. Ultimately,this step is going to help you with my next point.
Stay Consistent: I take back what I said earlier. This is definitely the hardest one. Staying consistent. Look, life happens. No one gets it more than I do but, you have to decide if you want to be a blogger or nah. For people to take US serious as bloggers we have to put in work and show them that this isn't just another hobby or trend. Consistency is the best way to claim your seat at the table and prove that you deserve to be there.
Starting anything new isn't easy. Just as I did your find your way. To be honest I'm still finding my way in this blogger/ Influencer world. Don't overthink it just start! I'm looking forward to reading all of your blogs. Please comment below the URLs to your bloggs so I can subscribe!

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