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3 things to incorporate on your 2021 vision board

We’ve made it to the last day of the year whew. Thank you Jesus! Each year on the 31st I take time to reflect on the year that I've had. I thank God for all of the blessings, think of my goals for the upcoming year and create a vision board. Typically my vision board has a mix of personional, professional and family goals mixed with a whole lot of "things" that I want to acquire the following year. 2021's board is going to be different. This year I have decided to incorporate ONLY things that have NO monetary value. And although they don't cost a penny, they are PRICELESS to me and essential in me being the woman I am called to be.

What do you deserve? On my social media you may have noticed I’ve been hinting around at “what I deserve” all week. It’s a question that I heard God ask me. After much self reflection I've realized that

-I deserve to wake up everyday and love what you do

-I deserve to live my best life

-My body deserves to be healthy

-I deserve a healthy & whole mind, strong enough to get me through

-I deserve all that God has for me

The gag is.... you deserve all of this too. This is why when you're making your vision board. I encourage you to ask yourself "what do I deserve physically, spiritually, and emotionally?"

This year when making your vision boards base your goals off of what you deserve not what you want.

Imagine the person who you want to be from a spiritual, mental, physical standpoint and manifest her. Once you do that watch all of the monetary things fall right in line.


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