Today I had to learn that lesson the hard way. We decided to take our son to see Santa Clause and get his picture taken. I was so excited. I just knew he was going to be the cutest kid there, the photos would come out amazing and that I would get some great content for the blog. Boy oh boy was I mistaken. Yes, my son was the cutest kid in the line but as you can see in the photo he wasn't feelin' it.
My husband (who is always thinking ahead) made a reservation for the photos at 11:00. We got there with plenty of time to spare before our appointment. As soon as my son saw Santa I knew the photos were going to be terrible. He screamed and cried so much that I had to jump into the picture. Even then he wasn’t excited. After the photographer printed the picture I was bummed out. 40 dollars wasted.
My husband could tell that I wasn't happy with the photo by my mood change. Have you ever been in such a bad mood that you got on your own nerves? Yeah that was me. Then suddenly I thought " Life isn't always picture perfect". I don't know about y'all but sometimes I can be a bit of a control freak and when things don't go the way I plan them I freak out. Instead of freaking out about the things that I can't control, I'm now going to embrace them. You know, take lemons and make lemonade. I'm a little embarrassed that I even am typing this. I feel like as a 28 years old this is a concept that I should have already grasped. But better late than never! Anyway, I'm thankful for this experience. Being a mommy has taught me many lessons and today's was that life isn't always picture perfect; but at least we got the damn picture!